Personal Reflections

Why Islam?

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem

Recently I was getting feedback from one of my readers (non-Muslim) on what she thinks has been working and what she would like to see more of, when she said she would love to read more about why I specifically chose Islam, why not another religion, and why I decided to begin looking beyond Christianity in the first place.

So here is a bit of an attempt to answer that question.

I will begin with the last question because it makes the most sense to talk about that first: why I even began to look beyond Christianity.

There are a lot of factors that went into this, and actually a lot of it was just kind of timing.

I was baptised when I was young, and we went to church every Sunday as well as on Christmas and Easter, and all that jazz. I participated in Sunday school when I was young, and Youth Group when I was older, and sang in the church choir all the way until I left for university when I was 18.

As a kid, I was really into it all. I loved the stories of the prophets that they would tell in Sunday School, I loved making crafty puppet Noah and his popsicle stick ark. I loved my pretty golden-paged Bible with the floral-y carrying case I used to carry it around it. I loved my little Jesus figurine, and the little angel windchimes that made me feel safe at night.

The problem was that as I got older, I began to develop some more sophisticated questions, and long story short, they weren’t being answered.

They were the same kinds of questions you will hear about from other converts: why are there so many sects of Christianity, and even versions of the Bible, what exactly is going on with the Trinity business, the nature of the sacraments, Jesus’ divinity, etc. etc.

Because of these questions I kind of started to drift away from any sort of sincere belief, though I kept singing in the choir and going to Youth Group as a kind of social gathering every week.

Then, as I wrote about in my convert story, I headed to London in my third year of university to study abroad. If you haven’t already, go read that post. It explains all about the rough time I was having in London, and how I decided to start going back to church to try to rekindle some form of spirituality in my life.

But the problem with that was, the Anglican church was leaving me with the same old same old questions.

From there, Islam pretty much just fell into my lap, so to speak. I had a friend from Iran and I had met my Algerian (then) fiance. Meeting all of these people from all over the world made me realise how little I knew about the world outside of my own perspective, and I began to read about Islam and study Middle Eastern history. I even began to learn the Arabic alphabet on my own.

And the more I read about Islam, the more my left over questions from Christianity were answered. There is no Trinity, God is One. There is no question of Jesus’ divinity, he was a great prophet. No need to question the sacraments, every single ritual in Islam has a meaning and a wisdom behind it that is open for everyone to know. No need to worry about different versions of the Holy Book, the Qur’an is exactly the same as it was 1,400 years ago.

So there I was. How could I not convert when I had learned so much, and Islam had all of the answers I was looking for? It just clicked, and everything made sense to me.

To answer the other part of the question about why not Judaism or some other religion, I have to say that firstly I strongly believe in a monotheistic view of God, which rules out quite an amount of other religions.

As for Judaism, I have never actually had the access to study it as in depth as I have been able to study Islam. Often times I get the feeling that Judaism is part culture, part super-exclusive religion that I don’t get access to unless I am chosen or born into it.

I remember a friend of mine telling me about how difficult of an experience her mother had in converting to Judaism; she was turned away by the rabbi three times before he allowed it.

Not to mention half of the Jews that I have ever met/been friends with describe themselves as agnostic for the most part. I never really understood how you could not really believe in God but also be part of a religion where God is the creator of all there is…

Don’t get me wrong, all of the Jewish people I have ever met have been super warm and friendly.

But for me personally, I don’t want to be part of a religion that is difficult for an outsider to study or access. I don’t want to be part of the “chosen” people. I want a religion that I believe is the truth, and that I can then share with everyone that I love. I loved that too about Islam—Islam welcomes you with open arms. No matter where you are from or who you are, as long as you say the testimony of faith you can be a Muslim.

So I hope that is a decent insight into why I left Christianity and why I turned to Islam instead of other religions. Like I said, a lot of it was about the timing. What can I say, God works in mysterious ways!

17 thoughts on “Why Islam?”

  1. I’ve read your previous post about how you came to Islam dear sister, and I wanted to thank you for sharing it with us (your readers). Although I have a great deal of friends who converted to Islam, as someone who was born into it, I’m always amazed and humbled by the various journeys that brought them into the fold of Islam. It made me realize how this religion is truly the great unifier. I share this faith of ours with people from all walks of life, ethnicities, with a wide array of experiences, and with whom in any other circumstances I would have very little in common. Yet, the fact that we all belong to Islam overrides all of our differences and creates instead a profound kinship based on our common belief in Allah (swt). That to me is the true miracle of Islam; its ability to bring people together in a world that seeks to tear them apart and isolate them in their differences. I love you my dear sister for the sake of Allah ‘aza wajal, and wishing you all the best in this life and in the hereafter. Jazak’Allah Khair.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kinds words, they really do mean so much to me. That was one of the things that also really drew me to Islam, the beautiful sisterhood that you enter into once you embrace it 🙂 Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts, I really do love you as well for the sake of Allah swt

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks For sharing. As a recent convert, I get that question a lot and since I actually tried to convert to Judaism first my friends and family wonder why not that one. Some people think I picked Islam because of “being too lazy” to convert to Judaism. But I never liked the idea of the closed off part of converting, while Islam is open to all ethic groups of people.

    Also your blog as been a great help with my journey, and I was told about it from my Hindu friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, it means to much to know I could help in any small way! That is truly one of the things that I love about Islam, it is open to anyone from anywhere, and in fact there is such huge emphasis on inviting others to Islam 🙂


      1. I figured this year might have been a bit fast 🙂 hopefully next year you will be able to experience it in all its beauty! At any rate, if you ever need and specific resources or support, or you just want to talk to someone who has been there, you can always feel free to get in touch here!


    1. Well technically Islam is a belief system, or religion, and the teachings of Islam provide us with our whole way of life. But the point of this article was not to argue semantics really 🙂


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