Voices, Wellness

Guest Post: Self-Care the Sunnah Way

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem

Today I am super excited to be having my awesome sister Chelsea on for our very first guest post! I have been getting to know Chelsea over the past couple of months (though I blog-stalked her long before that!) and I think she has a wonderful writing style as well as some very important information to share.

Chelsea is a blogger, certified personal trainer and nutritionist specializing in Healthy Eating for Weight Loss. She is passionate about healthy, natural living and loves intertwining faith and wellness. She wishes to inspire other women to live more natural and productive lives for the sake of Allah (swt). You can find more of her work on her blog at wellnessmuslimah.com.

Cheslsea is writing today about the sunnah of taking care of yourself, and some ways that you can implement that sunnah in your own life; I hope it will be as beneficial to you as it was for me! So, have a read through her post, and then get started!

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Self-care is a crucial aspect of the Islamic faith. It is incumbent upon every Muslim to care for him or herself as a way of showing gratitude for the blessing of health and wellbeing that Allah (swt) has bestowed upon them. Continue reading “Guest Post: Self-Care the Sunnah Way”